Our Environmental Commitment

We’re a on a mission to lighten our carbon footprint.

Partnering for Change

Teaming up with Ecologi, we've set out to offset the carbon footprint of our team and deliveries. From wind power in Thailand to protecting the Mataven forest in Colombia and preserving prime Brazilian rainforest, our journey is filled with green projects.

We believe in the power of trees to cleanse our skies, which is why we've joined forces with Ecologi. Every tree we plant helps combat carbon pollution, making our growth synonymous with the flourishing forest.

Packaging with Purpose

Where we can, we wrap our products in eco-friendly packaging, waving goodbye to single-use plastics. On our journey to sustainability, every small change counts.

Growing Greener Every Day

As Radiator Outlet thrives, so does our commitment to the environment. With every shipment, we plant more trees, saving tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering our skies annually.


Our eco journey doesn't end here. We're always exploring new ways to support our long-term green goals. Want to know more? Take a look at Ecologi's projects.